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San Diego Real Estate BLOG: Ocean Beach Christmas Events

Ocean Beach Real Estate

San Diego Real Estate BLOG

Ocean Beach Real Estate

Ocean Beach Christmas Events

With Christmas just around the corner, it is time to get into the holiday spirit. In case you need a little bit of help, the Yarbrough Group has you covered. Over the next few weeks, we will be keeping you up to date on what there is do in YOUR neighborhood this Christmas season. This week, we start with Ocean Beach.

December 14th: Holiday Homes Decoration Contest

Nothing gets the Christmas spirit going better than a little Christmas decorating. Do you feel like YOUR home has what it takes to be the best in the neighborhood? If so, this event is right up your alley. Even if you don’t want to do the decorating yourself, be sure to stop by and marvel at what your neighbors have accomplished.

For More Information Call: (619) 316-3403

Food and Toy Drive

Giving is the very essence of the Christmas holiday, and you can help by giving food and toys to those less fortunate so they too can have a Merry Christmas. Food and toys will be collected December 15th through 18th, and they will delivered on the 19th.

For more information, please call (619) 515-4400, or visit

Craft Fair @ Abbott and Newport Street

Come grab the Holiday Spirit by doing some arts and crafts. Crafters of all ages are welcome, so come and hang out with your neighbors and get in Christmas Mode. The craft fair is open from 9am-4pm, and Santa will be stopping by from 11am-1pm.

For more information, visit:

Thank You For Reading The San Diego Real Estate BLOG

Be sure to check back next week for our San Diego Christmas Event List.

Be Sure To Contact The Yarbrough Group For All Your San Diego Real Estate Needs!!!

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